Think Tech - The development of electronic games in the middle east

The development of electronic games in the middle east

07 September, 2020 | 19:00

Meetup in English

What is it about?

The Middle East is the fastest-growing gaming market, and the MENA region holds the most active gaming community with a growth rate of 25% a year. Who are the leading players that dominate the market today? With a growing demand for localized content, what role do publishers and developers play? What are the missing elements for successful development projects? How do we grow talents, and how can we equip ourselves to compete globally?


Khalil Abou Sido

The Gaming Recess

Specialists And Speakers

Fawzi Mesmar

Head of Design at DICE

Mo Fadl

CEO & Co-Founder at Lahza Games

Joseph Azzam

Technical Evangelist at Epic Games

MJ Fahmi

CEO of Babil Games

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