This session tackles the power of AI during and post-COVID19. We are interested in discussing how AI and data analysis help in identifying, predicting, tracing, and monitoring outbreaks and individuals. We would also like to discuss AI's weight in future policy-making with a focus on centralized platforms and data ownership issues
Ahmed Bukhamseen
Co-founder and CEO at QuantTimur Korshlow
Partner at PWCJean Moussa
Regional Manager, NetwaysAbdou Ayoub
Managing Director at Paragon Shiftتتناول هذه الجلسة التنوع والتحديات والفرص في مجال علم البيانات. نحن مهتمون بمناقشة أهمية علم البيانات في المستقبل ، وعلماء البيانات من النساء ، وما الذي يبقي المرأة خارج المجال ، والفرص المتاحة في السوق ، وكيفية تطوير المهارات التي تناسب المجال
Today, analytics, widely recognized for its problem-solving and predictive prowess, has become an essential navigational tool to support numerous urgent tasks facing the world. This meetup looks at how data and advanced analytics can be harnessed to significantly improve decision making and deliver better services for citizens and businesses
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